
Chronic cocaine use triggers changes in brain's neuron structure

Chronic exposure to cocaine reduces the expression of a protein known to regulate brain plasticity, according to new, in vivo research on the molecular basis of cocaine addiction. That reduction drives structural changes ...

Medical research

Protecting against atherosclerosis at the molecular level

Atherosclerosis is the result of a buildup of lipids in the inner walls of blood vessels, and is a major cause of heart disease and stroke. In a new study, researchers from the University of Tsukuba discovered a novel role ...


Distinct brain disorders biologically linked

A team of researchers have shown that schizophrenia and a disorder associated with autism and learning difficulties share a common biological pathway. This is one of the first times that researchers have uncovered genetic ...


The balancing act to regulate the brain machinery

Molecular imbalance lies at the root of many psychiatric disorders. Current EU-funded research has discovered a major RNA molecular player in neurogenesis and has characterised its action and targets in the zebrafish embryo.

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