Oncology & Cancer

New computational tool may speed drug discovery

A new computational tool called fABMACS is helping scientists see beyond static images of proteins to more efficiently understand how these molecules function, which could ultimately speed up the drug discovery process.

Medical research

Researchers identify important signaling molecule

An international team of scientists have provided insights into the working of a "signaling molecule", which will provide new strategies for medicines in areas such as pain medication.


Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease may share deep roots

(Medical Xpress)—Type 2 diabetes (T2D) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) appear to have a lot in common. They share risk factors such as obesity and they often occur together. If they also share the same genetic underpinings, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Drug is identified that could block the spread of melanoma

(Medical Xpress)—Cancer is at its most curable when it's caught before it spreads. That's especially true in the case of melanoma, where survival rates can be as high as 97 percent when caught early—and as low as 15 percent ...

Medical research

Endocannabinoids trigger inflammation that leads to diabetes

(Medical Xpress)—Researchers at the National Institutes of Health have clarified in rodent and test tube experiments the role that inflammation plays in type 2 diabetes, and revealed a possible molecular target for treating ...

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