Platelets block HIV

Scientists of the DPZ have shown that platelet activation inhibits the host cell entry of HIV

Medical research

How photosensitization can stop viruses from infecting cells

A UCLA-led team of researchers has found evidence that photosensitizing a virus's membrane covering can inhibit its ability to enter cells and potentially lead to the development of stronger, cheaper medications to fight ...


Research uncovers DNA looping damage tied to HPV cancer

It's long been known that certain strains of human papillomavirus (HPV) cause cancer. Now, researchers at The Ohio State University have determined a new way that HPV might spark cancer development – by disrupting the human ...

Medical research

No two kinds of retroviruses look—or act—the same

In the most comprehensive study of its kind, researchers in the Institute for Molecular Virology and School of Dentistry at the University of Minnesota report that most types of retroviruses have distinct, non-identical virus ...

Oncology & Cancer

Virologists harness adenovirus to kill breast cancer cells

With a $40,250 grant from the Lottie Caroline Hardy Charitable Trust Fund, researchers at Saint Louis University's Institute for Molecular Virology will study a small fragment of adenovirus as a possible future therapy for ...

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