Medical research

Ageing isn't fixed—we can manipulate it to live longer

When I was younger, about ten years old, I realised that everyone ages and dies. And I thought well why should that be? Can't we do something about it? I then thought I'd do it. I'll study ageing and figure it out, and I'll ...


Hope for healthy hearts revealed in naked mole rat studies

Cardiovascular disease is the greatest killer of humans the world over, presenting huge financial and quality-of-life issues. It is well known that the heart becomes less efficient with age in all mammals studied to date, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Mole crowdsourcing: There could be an app for that

Have you ever had a strange mole on your body and wondered if it was skin cancer? The best move is to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist, but many wait without realizing they could be dealing with melanoma.


The naked mole-rat's secret to staying cancer free

A team of researchers from the University of Rochester (NY) and the University of Haifa discovered the naked mole rat's unique mechanism to staying cancer free- a super sugar called high-molecular-mass Hyaluronan (HMM-HA). ...

Medical research

Scientists find differences in naked mole rat's protein disposers

The naked mole rat, a curiously strange, hairless rodent, lives many years longer than any other mouse or rat. Scientists at The University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio's Barshop Institute of Longevity and Aging ...

Medical research

Long-lived rodents have high levels of brain-protecting factor

The typical naked mole rat lives 25 to 30 years, during which it shows little decline in activity, bone health, reproductive capacity and cognitive ability. What is the secret to this East African rodent's long, healthy life?

Medical research

Naked mole-rats bear lifesaving clues

Could blind, buck-toothed, finger-sized naked mole-rats harbor in their brain cells a survival secret that might lead to better heart attack or stroke treatments?

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