
How associative fear memory is formed in the brain

How does the brain form "fear memory" that links a traumatic event to a particular situation? A pair of researchers at the University of California, Riverside, may have found an answer.

Medical research

Scientists create 'human liver' from stem cells

Scientists in Japan said Wednesday they had grown human liver tissue from stem cells in a first that holds promise for alleviating the critical shortage of donor organs.


Scientific breakthrough toward treatment of Fragile X syndrome

Scientists at the Hotchkiss Brain Institute (HBI), Alberta Children's Hospital Research Institute (ACHRI), and Owerko Centre at UCalgary's Cumming School of Medicine (CSM) have made a breakthrough discovery that could lead ...


An antibody-based drug for multiple sclerosis

Inserm Unit U919, directed by Prof. Denis Vivien ("Serine Proteases and Physiopathology of the Neurovascular Unit") has developed an antibody with potential therapeutic effects against multiple sclerosis. The study, directed ...

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