Oncology & Cancer

Study shows novel agent can overcome immune dysfunction in cancer

A collaborative effort between investigators at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center and the Center for Molecular Immunology (CIM) in Havana, Cuba, has revealed a new strategy for correcting immune dysfunction in cancer ...

Oncology & Cancer

Salty diet reduces tumor growth by tackling immune cells

A study by an international research team led by Professor Markus Kleinewietfeld (VIB-UHasselt) shows that high salt intake inhibits tumor growth in mice. The effect seems to be due to a change in function of certain immune ...

Oncology & Cancer

Function of neutrophils during tumor progression unraveled

Researchers at The Wistar Institute have characterized the function of neutrophils, a type of white blood cells, during early stages of tumor progression, showing that they migrate from the bone marrow to distant sites and ...

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