
Restoring vision by gene therapy

Humans rely dominantly on their eyesight. Losing vision means inability to read, recognize faces or find objects. Macular degeneration is one of the major causes of visual impairment around the globe; close to 200 million ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Can light therapy help the brain?

Following up on promising results from pilot work, researchers at the VA Boston Healthcare System are testing the effects of light therapy on brain function in veterans with Gulf War Illness.

Oncology & Cancer

Infrared light to detect early signs of esophageal cancer

Scientists have developed an endoscope that uses near-infrared light to spot early warning signs of oesophageal - food pipe - cancer, according to research published in the Journal of Biomedical Optics today.

Radiology & Imaging

Novel imaging system could mean near-instant biopsy results

Medicine has advanced dramatically during the last century. But when it comes to getting biopsy results, very little has changed. Consider, for example, what happens when a patient comes in to have a skin lesion biopsied ...

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