Psychology & Psychiatry

Predicting problematic pornography use

Using pornography compulsively; using it to cope with negative emotions; being disturbed by one's own choice of pornographic material; feeling ashamed of using pornography—according to a new international study led by Beáta ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Talking with a friend can ease the sting of being left out

Small, simple forms of social connection—such as a conversation with a friend, or even just looking forward to one—can lessen the negative feelings and thoughts that come with being socially excluded, according to a new ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Q&A: How does self-esteem affects relationships?

In February, as some people's thoughts turn toward romance, they might wonder: What does it take to keep a relationship strong? Dr. Joanne Wood, distinguished professor emerita in Psychology, explains how one's self-esteem ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Listening to music before a competition can boost your performance

If you exercise regularly, you have probably noticed that you increase the effort if you have music playing in the background. Researchers know this as the ergogenic effect; the right music makes you feel less tired and produces ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Is venting good for your health?

Venting—the release of negative, pent-up emotions—can feel good. But is it actually good for you? Or does it do more harm than good to dwell on negative thoughts and feelings?

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why everyday decisions feel so stressful, and what to do about it

Almost every morning I face the same dilemmas. Whether I should wake up my wife with a kiss or let her sleep longer. Should I get out of bed or just press the snooze button? And that is even before I have had my first cup ...

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