
Physical principles for scalable neural recording

(Medical Xpress)—It took nearly two months, but the videos from the May 6th-7th national BRAIN Initiative meeting are now available online. Although the title of that workshop made central mention of the idea Physical and ...


Artificial brains learn to adapt

For every thought or behavior, the brain erupts in a riot of activity, as thousands of cells communicate via electrical and chemical signals. Each nerve cell influences others within an intricate, interconnected neural network. ...


New insight into how autism might develop in human brain

In a study published in Stem Cell Reports, a McGill team of scientists led by Dr. Carl Ernst, researcher at the Douglas Hospital Research Centre, revealed a molecular mechanism that may play a role in the development of autism.


Your brain with a migraine

When migraine sufferers see the tell-tale squiggly lines, light flashes and blind spots of a migraine aura, they prepare for a migraine. When researchers see the brain image of an aura, they try to figure out what causes ...

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