Medical research

Team discovers neural stem cells can become blood vessels

Mother cells from the adult carotid body can transform into blood vessels as well as neurons. This discovery could have important repercussions on the treatment of such diseases as pediatric tumors and Parkinson's.


A cocktail party in a dish: How neurons filter the chatter

While dining with a friend at a noisy restaurant, you listen attentively to her entertaining account of last night's date. Despite the cacophony flooding your auditory system, your brain remarkably filters your friend's voice ...


A network of artificial neurons learns to use human language

A group of researchers from the University of Sassari (Italy) and the University of Plymouth (UK) has developed a cognitive model, made up of two million interconnected artificial neurons, able to learn to communicate using ...


Explainer: Muscle memory

"Muscle memory" is a frequently used term to describe the learning of motor skills, be they sport, music, or everyday activity. But interestingly, despite the widespread usage of the term, controversy exists as to its accuracy.


Neuroscientists discover new phase of synaptic development

Students preparing for final exams might want to wait before pulling an all-night cram session—at least as far as their neurons are concerned. Carnegie Mellon University neuroscientists have discovered a new intermediate ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Antidepressants alone are not enough

We should reconsider how we use antidepressants more effectively. The latest studies have shown that antidepressants restore the capacity of certain areas of the brain to repair abnormal neural pathways. According to neuroscientist ...


SMART Arm helps stroke survivors recover faster

(Medical Xpress)—A non-robotic device that helps stroke survivors regain upper limb movement is expected to be commercially available in Australia within the next 12 months.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Social media on your mind: The neuroscience behind the hype

A lot is being written about the effects of social media on the brain, how it may be changing the neural circuitry, shortening attention spans and reducing deep thinking and creativity. A group of researchers at Rutgers University ...

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