
Social interactions divert the established motivational system

Social interactions are regulated by the neuronal circuits underlying motivated behaviors. These reward circuits involve the brain's ventral tegmental area and its dopaminergic neurons. However, which brain areas convey information ...


When neurons have less to say, they speak up

The brain is an extremely adaptable organ – but it is also quite conservative. That's in short, what scientists from the Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology in Martinsried and their colleagues from the Friedrich Miescher ...


Caloric restriction restores glucose response in diabetes

(HealthDay) -- Neuronal responsiveness of the hypothalamus to glucose, critical in the regulation of feeding, can be restored in patients with type 2 diabetes by short-term caloric restriction, according to a study published ...


Decoding hidden brain chatter to advance neuroprostheses

Once you learn a skill like tying your sneakers, you can perform it consistently over the years. This suggests the neural activity in the brain associated with the skill remains stable over time.


Closer look at brain circuits reveals important role of genetics

Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) in La Jolla have revealed new clues to the wiring of the brain. A team led by Associate Professor Anton Maximov found that neurons in brain regions that store memory can ...

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