
Computing hubs in the hippocampus and cortex

Neural computation occurs in large neural networks within dynamic brain states, yet it remains poorly understood if the functions are performed by a specific subset of neurons or if they occurred in specific, dynamic regions. ...


Social hierarchy prewired in the brain

( -- If you find yourself more of a follower than a social leader, it may something to do with the wiring in your brain. According to a new study in Science, researchers from the Chinese Academy of Science have ...


When the brain's wiring breaks

Among all the bad things that can happen to the brain when it is severely jolted – in a car accident, for example – one of the most common and worrisome is axon damage. Axons are the long stalks that grow out of the bodies ...


New hope for people living with a genetic cause of autism

Fragile X syndrome, or FXS, a leading genetic cause of autism, affects around one in 4,000 males and one in 6,000 females. Its symptoms include increased anxiety, intellectual disability, repetitive behaviors, social communication ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

I feel you: Emotional mirror neurons found in rats

Researchers from the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience have found that the rat brain activates the same cells when they observe the pain of others as when they experience pain themselves. In addition, without the activity ...


Illuminating neuron activity in 3-D

Researchers at MIT and the University of Vienna have created an imaging system that reveals neural activity throughout the brains of living animals. This technique, the first that can generate 3-D movies of entire brains ...

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