
Study finds the circuits that may help you keep your cool

The big day has come: You are taking your road test to get your driver's license. As you start your mom's car with a stern-faced evaluator in the passenger seat, you know you'll need to be alert but not so excited that you ...


How the brain tells you to scratch that itch

It's a maddening cycle that has affected us all: it starts with an itch that triggers scratching, but scratching only makes the itchiness worse. Now, researchers have revealed the brain mechanism driving this uncontrollable ...


Discovery of a new mechanism for controlling memory

Researchers in Bordeaux recently discovered a new mechanism for storing information in synapses and a means of controlling the storage process. The breakthrough moves science closer to unveiling the mystery of the molecular ...


Faulty DNA repair depresses neural development

DNA is the computer code that programs every event in the body. Despite the importance of DNA fidelity, as the body develops, cells grow and replicate, DNA is constantly turned over. This repeated process can compromise the ...


Study explains why patients with shingles feel pain

In most cases, chickenpox is a benign childhood infection with symptoms that disappear within 10 days. However, the Varicella zoster virus (VZV) that causes it remains dormant in the patient forever. In some cases, the virus ...


Hypothalamus neurons modulate pancreatic insulin amounts

The brain is key in the regulation of appetite, body weight and metabolism. Specifically, there is a small group of POMC neurons in the hypothalamus that detect and integrate signals related to the body's energy state and ...

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