
Mapping the neural circuit of innate responses to odors

A team of neuroscientists at the Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown (CCU), in Lisbon (Portugal), has performed one of the first studies into the central neural circuits (or higher brain areas) that underlie innate responses ...

Oncology & Cancer

Smell receptor fuels prostate cancer progression

When scientists first described the receptors responsible for our sense of smell, they naturally assumed that these chemical sensors resided exclusively in the lining of our noses.

Oncology & Cancer

Olfactory receptor as therapeutic target in bladder cancer

Researchers from Bochum have detected an olfactory receptor in the human bladder that might prove useful for bladder cancer therapy and diagnosis. Using cell culture studies, the team headed by Prof Dr Dr Dr habil Hanns Hatt ...


The vibrational theory of olfaction for the win

(Medical Xpress)—As occurred in the painstaking deciphering of Egyptian hieroglyphs, adherence to outmoded ideas is a lasting impediment to our understanding of how odorants are decoded by the olfactory system. The primary ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The human sense of smell: It's stronger than we think

When it comes to our sense of smell, we have been led to believe that animals win out over humans: No way can we compete with dogs and rodents, some of the best sniffers in the animal kingdom.


Function of olfactory receptor in the human heart identified

Researchers have for the first time identified the function of olfactory receptors in the human heart muscle, such as are also present in the nose. One of the receptors reacts to fatty acids that occur in the blood, in patients ...

Medical research

Can you smell through your lungs?

It was always thought that olfactory receptors' sole bodily function was to smell, and could only be found inside a nose. But now a new study, published in Frontiers in Physiology, has found two olfactory receptors in human ...


Cannabinoid receptor activates spermatozoa

Biologists from Bochum and Bonn have detected a cannabinoid receptor in spermatozoa. Endogenous cannabinoids that occur in both the male and the female genital tract activate the spermatozoa: they trigger the so-called acrosome ...

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