Medical research

New discovery helps researchers rethink organoid cultures

Organoids are stem cell-based tissue surrogates that can mimic the structure and function of organs, and they have become a key component of numerous types of medical research in recent years. But researchers from The University ...

Oncology & Cancer

Brain organoids reveal glioblastoma origins

Glioblastomas are the most aggressive form of brain cancer—they grow and spread rapidly through the brain and are virtually impossible to eradicate, typically leading to death within one or two years of diagnosis. Scientists ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

3-D miniature livers lead the way to patient-specific drug discovery

The human liver is a vital organ involved in multiple functions. Because susceptibility to liver diseases is highly variable among patients, researchers from Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) and Cincinnati Children's ...

Medical research

Studying the function of liver cancer genes in mini-organs

Researchers from the Hubrecht Institute and Radboud University have developed a human model in which they use organoids, or mini organs, to study the function of specific genes that are mutated in liver cancer. Using this ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Three-dimensional model of human placenta developed

The placenta is the organ connecting mother and embryo. Its main functions are the exchange of nutrients, gases and metabolic products and the production of hormones and other substances essential for embryonic development. ...

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