
Waves move across the human brain to support memory

The coordination of neural activity across widespread brain networks is essential for human cognition. Researchers have long assumed that oscillations in the brain, commonly measured for research purposes, brain-computer ...


Researchers learn more about maximizing brain use

Neuroscientists from Higher School of Economics and Charité University Clinic in Berlin have come up with a new multivariate method for predicting behavioural response to a stimulus using information about the phase of preceding ...


'Waves' of neural activity give new clues about Alzheimer's

While unconscious during deep sleep, slow-wave neuron activity travels across the cerebral cortex. This phenomenon is related to the consolidation of memory. A European project called SloW Dyn, led by Spanish scientists, ...


How the brain hinders individual muscle control

The key to balance is, in part, the ability to overpower your mind. Your brain possesses what some researchers call "common drive." It wants to activate and relax all muscles in synchrony, including the opposing ones. It's ...


New insights into how the human brain processes scent

Theta oscillations, a type of rhythmic electrical activity that waxes and wanes four to eight times per second, may play a fundamental role in processing scent in the human brain, according to a new study recently published ...


Why some images trigger seizures

In people with photosensitive epilepsy, flashing lights are well known for their potential to trigger seizures. The results can be quite stunning. For instance, a particular episode of Pokémon sent 685 people in Japan to ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Parkinson's in a dish: Researchers reproduce brain oscillations

Abnormal oscillations in neurons that control movement, which likely cause the tremors that characterize Parkinson's disease, have long been reported in patients with the disease. Now, University at Buffalo researchers working ...


How sleep deprivation affects memory-making in the brain

Scientists have known that a lack of sleep can interfere with the ability to learn and make memories. Now, a group of University of Michigan researchers have found how sleep deprivation affects memory-making in the brain.

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