
Four tips on how to layer up to keep cold weather at bay

Whether you're waiting at the bus stop or going for a run, dressing for the conditions and level of outdoor activity is key to staying safe and warm in bitter temperatures, say University of Alberta experts.


Seven tips for exercising safely during a heatwave

When summer temperatures soar, the idea of working out might be the furthest thing from your mind. But just because it's hot doesn't mean you can't still squeeze a workout in if you want to, though there are a few adjustments ...


Getting back on track with exercise

(HealthDay)—Sometimes life gets in the way of your workout plans. Maybe an illness or an injury got you off track or you took a break from the gym that lasted a little too long. Getting moving again can be challenging, ...


How to jump-start your new year with cold weather running

As 2024 approaches, many people look to begin the year with resolutions to become more fit. Some people find it challenging to get enthusiastic about outdoor exercise during the winter. However, don't discount the joys of ...


Active, outdoor teens are happier teens: study

(HealthDay) -- Teens who engaged in more moderate-to-vigorous outdoor activity reported better health and social functioning than their peers who spent hours in front of television and computer screens, a new study in Australia ...

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