Medical research

Biochemists follow clues toward Alzheimer's, cancer, longevity

James McNew's and Michael Stern's biochemical hunt for the root cause of a rare, paralyzing genetic disorder is a 10-year quest that's taken an unexpected turn toward everyday killers such as Alzheimer's disease, cancer and ...

Medical research

Key molecule of aging discovered

Every cell and every organism ages sooner or later. But why is this so? Scientists at the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg have now discovered for the first time a protein that represents a central switching point ...

Medical research

Cell damage caused by the pesticide DDT is palliated

Since it was first synthesized almost 150 years ago, the pesticide dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, better known as DDT, has been widely used to fight illnesses caused by insects. Later, it was proven not only to kill off ...


The antioxidant myth

Dora Il'yasova, associate professor of epidemiology, explains why everything you thought you knew about antioxidants is wrong.

Inflammatory disorders

Proper burial of dead cells limits inflammation

If dead cells accumulate in the body, they can contribute to inflammation and pre-dispose individuals to multiple chronic inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular diseases, Crohn's disease or lupus ...

Oncology & Cancer

Do prostate cancer cells have an Achilles' heel?

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago describe new ways to selectively kill prostate cancer cells by exploiting the cells' revved-up metabolism. They report their findings in the online journal, eLife.

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