
Report: Food labels need Energy Star-like ratings

Just like that Energy Star tag helps you choose your appliances, a new report says a rating symbol on the front of every soup can, cereal box and yogurt container could help hurried shoppers go home with the healthiest foods.


A safer way to handle surgical scalpel blades

When tasked with redesigning a medical device, four biomedical engineering majors focused their attention on scalpels. Specifically, the blade packaging for the tool.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Standardized packaging on vapes found to reduce appeal to teenagers

New research from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King's College London and Action on Smoking and Health has found that standardizing e-cigarette (vape) packaging, by removing brand imagery, ...


Canada orders tougher cigarette warnings

Canada's tobacco manufacturers and importers on Tuesday were given until March 2012 to adopt new austere warning labels on cigarette packages featuring a woman dying of lung cancer.

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists discover roles for a cellular motor in cancer

Utah scientists have discovered new functions of a key cellular machine that regulates gene packaging and is mutated in 20% of human cancers. The study was published in print today in the journal Molecular Cell.

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