
How to reprogram memory cells in the brain

Long-term memory of specific places is stored in the brain in so-called place cells. A team of neuroscientists headed by Dr. Andrea Burgalossi of the University of Tübingen's Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience ...


Cerebellar neurons needed to navigate in the dark

(Medical Xpress) -- A new study by scientists in France has revealed that the cerebellum region of the brain plays an important role in the ability to navigate when visual cues are absent, and is the first study to show this ...


Activity in dendrites is critical in memory formation

Why do we remember some things and not others? In a unique imaging study, two Northwestern University researchers have discovered how neurons in the brain might allow some experiences to be remembered while others are forgotten. ...


Mouse memory cells are about experience, not place

When it comes to memory, it's more than just "location, location, location." New research suggests that the brain doesn't store all memories in place cells, the main type of neuron in the hippocampus, a structure crucial ...


Brain scan reveals out-of-body illusion

The feeling of being inside one's own body is not as self-evident as one might think. In a new study from Sweden's Karolinska Institutet, neuroscientists created an out-of-body illusion in participants placed inside a brain ...


Neurons in the olfactory cortex link smells to places

Smell has the power to transport us across time and space. It could be the sweet fragrance of jasmine, or the musty scent of algae. Suddenly, you are back at your childhood home, or under the burning sun of a distant shore.

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