Oncology & Cancer

DGK-alpha helps cancer cells gain traction and mobilize

Metastasizing cancer cells often express integrins that provide better traction. A new study in The Journal of Cell Biology reveals how a lipid-converting enzyme helps the cells mobilize these integrins.

Medical research

Study uses Botox to find new wrinkle in brain communication

National Institutes of Health researchers used the popular anti-wrinkle agent Botox to discover a new and important role for a group of molecules that nerve cells use to quickly send messages. This novel role for the molecules, ...

Medical research

Palmitoylation, a new target for anti-cancer drugs

Peripheral membrane proteins temporarily bind to cell membranes, a necessary step for them to be able to fulfill their biological function. To do this, certain enzymes that catalyze their lipid modification come into action. ...

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