Psychology & Psychiatry

Study finds depression in millennials on the rise

New research, conducted by the University of Liverpool and University College London, has found that young people today are more likely to be depressed and to self-harm than they were 10 years ago, but antisocial behaviour ...


Blood leukocytes mirror insufficient sleep

An insufficient amount of sleep and qualitatively poor sleep are common among the general population. Prior studies have indicated that prolonged insufficient sleep and poor sleep quality are associated with a heightened ...

Medical research

How chronic pain threatens a good night's sleep

Ask anyone who is in pain how their much-needed sleep was, and there's a good chance they will say it was not great. And, it appears they may not be too far off as chronic pain and poor sleep can become a vicious cycle, according ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Decreased deep sleep linked to early signs of Alzheimer's disease

Poor sleep is a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease. People with the disease tend to wake up tired, and their nights become even less refreshing as memory loss and other symptoms worsen. But how and why restless nights are linked ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Double whammy for grieving spouses with sleep problems

Sleep disturbances have a strong negative impact on the immune system of people who have recently lost a spouse, reports a new study from Northwestern Medicine and Rice University.

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