
New therapeutic targets to fight type 2 diabetes

One of the most confusing aspects for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus is that they have high fasting glucose levels. This is because in these insulin-resistant patients, glucose production by the liver is triggered, ...

Medical research

Gut bacteria might discourage binge drinking

Binge drinking significantly increases the risk of alcohol addiction. In a study published in Microbiome on June 17, a team led by University of Connecticut School of Medicine researchers reports that valeric acid, a substance ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How a high-fat diet can make you anxious

When we're stressed out, many of us turn to junk food for solace. But new CU Boulder research suggests this strategy may backfire.


Boosting male fertility

Conversations around fertility are often centered around women. Infertility is not just an issue occurring among females; males also experience infertility. A Baylor College of Medicine urologist explains the factors affecting ...

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