Oncology & Cancer

Tailored lay health educator program ups CRC screening

(HealthDay)—An intervention involving bilingual/bicultural lay health educator (LHE) education can increase colorectal cancer (CRC) screening among Hmong-Americans, according to a study published online Aug. 26 in Cancer.


Interpreter services critical for emergency care

(HealthDay)—Emergency department interpreters are vital to quality care, according to an article published in the October issue of the Annals of Emergency Medicine.

Medical economics

Language barriers found to negatively affect clinical outcomes

Faculty from the University of Minnesota and HealthPartners Institute recently published an analysis in JAMA Network Open on the first large-scale study in the U.S. to demonstrate that a patient's language and need for an ...

Medical research

Limited English proficiency may worsen chronic disease outcome

(HealthDay)—In predominantly English-speaking settings, patients with limited English proficiency (LEP) and chronic conditions have higher rates of emergency department revisits and hospital readmissions than patients with ...

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