Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

A potential Diamond-Blackfan anemia treatment swims into view

Zebrafish, besides being popular in aquariums, make good stand-ins for studying human diseases. They share about 70 percent of their genes with humans, and can be studied at a mass scale, enabling scientists to test hundreds, ...


Study helps explain why exercise guards against heart disease

Regular exercise protects the cardiovascular system by reducing risk factors such as cholesterol and blood pressure. "But we believe there are certain risk factors for cardiovascular disease that are not fully understood," ...

Medical research

Study shows mouse cerebellum quite different from human

An international team of researchers has found that the mouse cerebellum may not be a good model for the human cerebellum in brain studies. In their study published in the journal Science, the group describes their comparison ...

Medical research

New study challenges our understanding of premature ageing

Disturbances in the function of mitochondrial DNA can accelerate the ageing process in ways that are different than previously thought, according to a new Finnish study published in Nature Metabolism. Offering a new perspective ...


Team discovers surprise contributor to multiple sclerosis

Cells that scientists have largely ignored when studying multiple sclerosis are actually key contributors to MS development, new research from the University of Virginia School of Medicine shows. The discovery suggests new ...

Medical research

A step toward understanding gastric cancer

Helicobacter pylori infects approximately half of the world's population and is the strongest known risk factor for developing gastric cancer. Gastric cancer is the third most lethal cancer worldwide.

Oncology & Cancer

Discovery could improve MDS cancer treatment

Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), one of the most common blood cancers, has very few treatment options. Now, researchers at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) have discovered a new and promising drug target for this deadly ...

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