Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Novel protein fragments may protect against Alzheimer's

The devastating loss of memory and consciousness in Alzheimer's disease is caused by plaque accumulations and tangles in neurons, which kill brain cells. Alzheimer's research has centered on trying to understand the pathology ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

More accurate MS diagnostics possible

A group of proteins identified by researchers at Stockholm's KTH Royal Institute of Technology could play a role in helping multiple sclerosis patients get more accurate diagnostics about the severity and progress of their ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

A molecular scissor related to Alzheimer's disease

An international research team led by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and researchers from Kiel University revealed the atomic‐level structure of the human peptidase enzyme meprin β (beta). The study was published ...


Study offers new way to discover HIV vaccine targets

Decades of research and three large-scale clinical trials have so far failed to yield an effective HIV vaccine, in large part because the virus evolves so rapidly that it can evade any vaccine-induced immune response.

Biomedical technology

On the horizon: Painless way to check for bladder cancer

A University of Houston biomedical engineer and his team are reporting the discovery of new biomarkers for early detection of bladder cancer (BC), among the most common cancers diagnosed in men in the U.S. According to the ...


Surprisingly many peculiar long introns found in brain genes

In a recent study of genes involved in brain functioning, their previously unknown features have been uncovered by bioinformaticians from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and the Institute of Mathematical Problems ...


Deciphering the enemy's ID

Immunologists at LMU have come up with a new technique that can be used both to fight tumors and to treat autoimmune diseases. A new grant from the Federal Ministry for Education and Research will enable the method to be ...


Scientists develop ataxia mouse model

Scientists at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum established a mouse model for the human disease SCA6. SCA6 is characterised by movement deficits and caused by similar genetic alterations as Chorea Huntington. The mouse model will ...

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