Medical research

Protein turnover could be clue to living longer

It may seem paradoxical, but studying what goes wrong in rare diseases can provide useful insights into normal health. Researchers probing the premature aging disorder Hutchinson-Gilford progeria have uncovered an errant ...


Not all muscle building supplements are equal

Popular muscle building supplements, known as branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) are ineffective when taken in isolation, according to new research from the University of Stirling.

Oncology & Cancer

Newly discovered cellular pathway may lead to cancer therapies

Scientists have discovered a new cellular pathway that can promote and support the growth of cancer cells. In a mouse model of melanoma, blocking this pathway resulted in reduction of tumor growth. The study, which appears ...

Medical research

Cells pumping iron to prevent anemia

Maintaining a good balance of iron in the body is necessary for health: too little can lead to anemia, but too much can cause debilitating disorders such as hemochromatosis.


Yoga helps preserve muscle mass in older women, study says

A new study by the University of Connecticut finds that practicing yoga may improve protein utilization among older women, and lead to the maintenance of muscle at a time in life when muscle loss is common.

Medical research

How stress controls hemoglobin levels in blood

Our ability to breathe oxygen is critical to our survival. This process is mediated by the hemoglobin in our blood, which carries oxygen. Since air contains less oxygen on high mountains, the body is under pressure to make ...

Medical research

Cellular senescence prevented by the SETD8 enzyme

An enzyme that blocks cellular senescence and its mechanisms has been discovered by a research team from Kumamoto University, Japan. They found that a reduction of the enzyme SETD8, which regulates cell proliferation and ...


What does it take to make a memory? Study says new proteins

While the romantic poets' idea of memories being akin to spirits may have poetic merit, the scientists' perspective is that memories are concrete, physical entities that can be visualized within various regions of the brain.


Cause of cortical malformations targeted by researchers

Cortical malformations are a major cause of epileptic seizures and are a hallmark feature of many neurodevelopmental disorders. Expanding upon its recently-published model of cortical malformations, a Yale team lead by neuroscientist ...

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