Medical research

Blocking key protein normalizes uterine muscle tone, study shows

Abnormal uterine blood flow is a hallmark of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, including chronic hypertension, preeclampsia and gestational hypertension. Abnormal uterine blood flow is also associated with a low fertility ...


New target for treating alcoholism

Activation of a receptor with no known function in the brain reduces excessive alcohol use and the pain of withdrawal, according to preclinical research in male rats. The study, published in eNeuro, suggests a new approach ...

Medical research

Research describes the differences between mice and humans

Research from King's College in London, UK, and Lund University in Sweden could explain why diabetes drugs which have worked in animal experiments are not equally successful in humans. The researchers discovered differences ...


Scientists identify protein linked to chronic heart failure

Researchers in Japan have identified a receptor protein on the surface of heart cells that promotes chronic heart failure. The study, "Corticotropin releasing hormone receptor 2 exacerbates chronic cardiac dysfunction," which ...

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