
Scientists discover gene that controls the birth of neurons

Scientists at A*STAR's Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS) have discovered an unusual gene that controls the generation of neurons. This important finding, which is crucial in understanding serious diseases of the brain such ...

Oncology & Cancer

Compounds outsmart solid tumors' malfunctioning machinery

Molecular biologists in the School of Medicine at The University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio have found a novel way to fine-tune the activity of cells' protein-disposing machinery, with potentially cancer-fighting ...


Meet CLAMP: A newly found protein that regulates genes

(Medical Xpress)—A newly discovered protein, found in many species, turns out to be the missing link that allows a key regulatory complex to find and operate on the lone X chromosome of male fruit flies, bringing them to ...

Medical research

Exercise rescues mutated neural stem cells

CHARGE syndrome is a severe developmental disorder affecting multiple organs. It affects 1 in 8500 newborns worldwide. The majority of patients carry a mutation in a gene called CHD7. How this single mutation leads to the ...

Medical research

Researchers discover new proteasome regulatory mechanism

Dysfunction of the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) has been detected in many neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, and certain types of cancer. Such dysfunction is also believed to be ...

Oncology & Cancer

Modulating the immune system to combat metastatic cancer

Cancer cells spread and grow by avoiding detection and destruction by the immune system. Stimulation of the immune system can help to eliminate cancer cells; however, there are many factors that cause the immune system to ...

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