Medical research

New approaches for Ebola virus therapeutics

Researchers from the University of Liverpool, in collaboration with Public Health England, have investigated new ways to identify drugs that could be used to treat Ebola virus infection. 

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Mutating Ebola viruses not as scary as evolving ones

My social media accounts today are cluttered with stories about "mutating" Ebola viruses. The usually excellent ScienceAlert, for example, rather breathlessly informs us "The Ebola virus is mutating faster in humans than ...


A nucleotide change could initiate fragile X syndrome

Researchers reveal how the alteration of a single nucleotide—the basic building block of DNA—could initiate fragile X syndrome, the most common inherited form of intellectual disability. The study appears in The Journal ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Researchers discover how dengue suppresses the human immune system

Scientists have discovered a new pathway the dengue virus takes to suppress the human immune system. This new knowledge deepens our understanding of the virus and could contribute to the development of more effective therapeutics.

Medical research

Which interferons best control viral infections?

Respiratory and intestinal infections caused by RNA viruses stimulate infected cells to produce interferons, which can act alone or in combination to block virus replication. Important differences between the presence of ...

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