Medical research

How chronic pain threatens a good night's sleep

Ask anyone who is in pain how their much-needed sleep was, and there's a good chance they will say it was not great. And, it appears they may not be too far off as chronic pain and poor sleep can become a vicious cycle, according ...


Scientists sniff out unexpected role for stem cells in the brain

For decades, scientists thought that neurons in the brain were born only during the early development period and could not be replenished. More recently, however, they discovered cells with the ability to divide and turn ...


Stimulation and deprivation alter vascular structure in the brain

(Medical Xpress)—Nerves and blood vessels lead intimately entwined lives. They grow up together, following similar cues as they spread throughout the body. Blood vessels supply nerves with oxygen and nutrients, while nerves ...


Researchers uncover steps in synapse building, pruning

Like a gardener who stakes some plants and weeds out others, the brain is constantly building networks of synapses, while pruning out redundant or unneeded synapses. Researchers at The Jackson Laboratory led by Assistant ...

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