
When the mind controls the machines

More than a hundred patients suffering from severe motor impairments have voluntarily participated in the development of non-invasive brain-machine interfaces. The main purpose of these machines is to allow the patients either ...

Oncology & Cancer

Latest research shows how cancer cells react to chemotherapy

EU-funded researchers have made good progress in understanding how cancer cells can sometimes resist the effects of chemotherapy. This new knowledge will move forward the development of increasingly effective cancer treatments ...

Oncology & Cancer

New biomarker to help detect early stage cancer

The earlier cancer is detected, the more successful treatment is likely to be. Yet while this is a key message behind many public health campaigns, detection methods are still being improved.


RARE-Bestpractices: Researching rare diseases

Clinical research needs to optimise its agenda by taking into consideration both patients' and clinicians' needs and interests. This is the goal of a four-year project funded by the EU's Seventh Framework Programme, which ...