
3 p.m. slump? Why a sugar rush may not be the answer

(Medical Xpress) -- A new study has found that protein and not sugar activates the cells responsible for keeping us awake and burning calories. The research, published in the 17 November issue of the scientific journal Neuron, ...


Special journal issue highlights shift work science, solutions

Shift work and non-standard work schedules are increasingly common as employers strive to meet the demands of a 24/7 society. It's estimated that up to a quarter of the workforce in developed countries has non-standard working ...


Shift work increases the severity of strokes later in life

As most Americans wind down for bed, 15 million people are just clocking into work. These hospital workers, emergency responders, factory operators and others are among the 20 percent of the world's population who do shift ...

Medical research

Study reveals how shift work disrupts metabolism

Working night shifts or other nonstandard work schedules increases your risk of becoming obese and developing diabetes and other metabolic disorders, which ultimately also raises your risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer.

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