Oncology & Cancer

The immune system's supercell—how it matures

Natural killer cells (NK cells), play an important role in the body's defences against cancer and infections. Now, in a joint project, researchers at Lund University in Sweden, the University of Oxford, and Karolinska Institutet ...

Oncology & Cancer

Fatal brake failures: Tumorigenesis in the colon

Two genes normally work together to suppress the development of colon cancer. Their combined loss favors tumorigenesis and stimulates the formation of metastases.

Medical research

Targeting a hunger hormone to treat obesity

About 64 per cent of Canadian adults are overweight or obese, according to Health Canada. That's a problem, because obesity promotes the emergence of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some cancers.


Mind over matter: Amygdala circuit counteracts pain-driven emotion

Two pathways in the brain converging at the amygdala regulate the anxiety and depression that often accompanies chronic pain, suggests research in male rats published in JNeurosci. One of these pathways may represent a top-down ...

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