Medical research

No bones about it, this protein slows down fracture-healing

Broken bones are a bigger deal the older you are: even after they've healed, the bones of older people are weaker and more likely to re-fracture. And since more than 6 million Americans break a bone each year, figuring out ...

Medical research

Skeletal stem cells regress when tasked with extensive regeneration

Adult mouse skeletal stem cells in the jaw revert to a more developmentally flexible state when called upon to regenerate large portions of bone and tissue, according to a study by researchers at the Stanford University School ...

Medical research

Tension triggers muscle building

Skeletal muscles are built from small contractile units, the sarcomeres. Many of these sarcomeres are connected in a well-ordered series to form myofibrils that span from one muscle end to the other. Contractions of these ...


Defects in brain cell migration linked to mental retardation

(Medical Xpress)—A rare, inherited form of mental retardation has led scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis to three important "travel agents" at work in the developing brain.

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