Medical research

Cause of rare childhood cancer discovered

Scientists have made a breakthrough in understanding the cause of a rare childhood muscle cancer, called Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS).

Medical research

Lab-engineered muscle implants restore function in animals

New research shows that exercise is a key step in building a muscle-like implant in the lab with the potential to repair muscle damage from injury or disease. In mice, these implants successfully prompt the regeneration and ...

Biomedical technology

FRESH 3-D-printing platform paves way for tissues, organs

Research into 3-D bioprinting has grown rapidly in recent years as scientists seek to re-create the structure and function of complex biological systems from human tissues to entire organs.

Medical research

Researchers find key to muscle regeneration

Saint Louis University researchers report in Molecular Metabolism new findings that the nuclear receptor REV-ERB appears to play a key role in muscle regeneration, suggesting the receptor may be a good target for new drugs ...

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