Medical research

New discovery of proteins involved in positioning muscular nuclei

The position of cellular nuclei in muscle fibres has an important role in some muscle weaknesses. Edgar Gomes, an Inserm researcher in the myology group at the Institute of Myology (mixed Inserm/UPMC unit) recently made this ...

Medical research

Blame backbone fractures on evolution, not osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is blamed for backbone fractures. The real culprit could well be our own vertebrae, which evolved to absorb the pounding of upright walking, researchers at Case Western Reserve University say.

Medical research

Estrogen treatment with no side-effects in sight

Oestrogen treatment for osteoporosis has often been associated with serious side-effects. Researchers at the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, have now, in mice, found a way of utilising the positive ...


Can gene therapy cure fatal diseases in children?

In order for the body to function, a balance is necessary between the cells that build up the bones in our skeletons and the cells that break them down. In the disease malignant infantile osteopetrosis, MIOP, the cells that ...

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