Sleep disorders

When you don't feel valued in a relationship, sleep suffers

We spend up to one-third of our life asleep, but not everyone sleeps well. For couples, it turns out how well you think your partner understands and cares for you is linked to how well you sleep. The results are published ...


Measuring the quality and quantity of sleep at home

Difficulty falling asleep, frequent waking, poor quality of sleep and a variety of sleep-related breathing problems are very common – they afflict approximately a third of the population.


Students with intense smartphone use sleep worse

Smartphones play an important role in students their daily lives. The question is whether this smartphone use is that innocent. New research conducted at Ghent University and University of Antwerp (Belgium) suggest it is ...


Brain waves predict our risk for insomnia

There may not yet be a cure for insomnia, but Concordia University researchers are a step closer to predicting who is most likely to suffer from it—just in time for World Sleep Day on March 13.

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