
Too much salt could potentially contribute to liver damage

A sprinkle of salt can bring out the flavor of just about any dish. However, it's well known that too much can lead to high blood pressure, a potentially dangerous condition if left untreated. Now scientists report a new ...


Unraveling the enigma of salty taste detection

Public health efforts to reduce dietary sodium intake have been hindered by an incomplete understanding of the complex process by which humans and other mammals detect salty taste.


Researchers discover a new mechanism of epilepsy

In epilepsy, nerve cells lose their usual rhythm, and ion channels, which have a decisive influence on their excitability, are involved. A team of researchers under the direction of the University of Bonn has now discovered ...

Medical research

Leaky channels could contribute to unusual heart arrhythmias

Leaks are not just problems for plumbers and politicians; researchers in Canada reveal how leaky transmembrane channels could cause disruptions in normal heart function. The study, published in The Journal of General Physiology, ...

Medical research

One molecule to block both pain and itch

Duke University researchers have found an antibody that simultaneously blocks the sensations of pain and itching in studies with mice.

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