
Pre-op pregabalin best for pain in spinal surgery

(HealthDay)—Preoperative pregabalin is superior to either gabapentin or placebo for the relief of pain in patients undergoing lumbar discectomy, according to a study published in the March 15 issue of Spine.


Two spine surgeons are three times safer than one

A new team approach has improved safety—reducing rates of major complications by two thirds—for complex spinal reconstructive surgery for spinal deformity in adult Group Health patients at Virginia Mason Hospital & Seattle ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Diagnosis of pseudarthrosis after fusion remains difficult

(HealthDay)—There is no definitive method besides surgical exploration to make the diagnosis of pseudarthrosis following spinal fusion surgery, according to a review published in the March 1 issue of The Spine Journal.

Medical research

Obesity may be risky for your hearing and brain

Supporting evidence of a possible link between obesity and the spontaneous leakage of cerebrospinal fluid through the ear has been presented by researchers at the University of Cincinnati Neuroscience Institute (UCNI).


Lumbar spinal stenosis surgery rates vary by race

(HealthDay)—Rates of hospitalization for lumbar spinal stenosis surgery vary significantly by race and ethnic group, according to a study published in the Dec. 15 issue of Spine.


Pre-op depression linked to narcotic use before spinal Sx

(HealthDay)—For patients undergoing spinal surgery for a structural lesion, preoperative depression and anxiety are associated with increased preoperative narcotic use, according to a study published in the Dec. 1 issue ...


A new way to find out if back problems need surgery

(Medical Xpress)—Researchers from Perth and Germany have discovered that a technique commonly used in surgery on the brain is an excellent tool for determining if, and to which extent, surgery is needed for patients with ...


Study confirms benefit of back braces in treating scoliosis

(Medical Xpress)—For years, adolescents instructed to wear back braces to correct scoliosis have protested having to wear the rigid plastic devices. Considering the lack of evidence in support of bracing, some may have ...

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