Oncology & Cancer

DDX41: A key nuclear player in maintaining genomic stability

The gene DDX41 encodes the nuclear enzyme, DEAD-box-type RNA helicase. Mutation of DDX41 leads to hematopoietic cancers. However, the mechanism underlying this malignancy development is unclear. To this end, researchers from ...

Medical research

Remarkable new insights into the pathology of Usher syndrome

Human Usher syndrome (USH) is the most common form of hereditary deaf-blindness. Sufferers can be deaf from birth, suffer from balance disorders, and eventually lose their eyesight as the disease progresses. For some 25 years ...

Oncology & Cancer

Tracking genes to fight breast cancer

Ph.D. student Esmee Koedoot studied the underlying processes responsible for metastases in a dangerous type of breast cancer. She hopes to find new possibilities to fight the disease. In December 2019 she obtained her doctorate ...


Unique fingerprint: What makes nerve cells unmistakable?

Protein variations that result from the process of alternative splicing control the identity and function of nerve cells in the brain. This allows organisms to build a highly complex neuronal network with only a limited number ...

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