
Dopamine not about pleasure (anymore)

(Medical Xpress)β€”To John Salamone, professor of psychology and longtime researcher of the brain chemical dopamine, scientific research can be very slow-moving.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why we steer the way we do

The way we drive could help us understand how animals make their way, new research from the University of Leeds has found.


Caffeine may reduce stress – but it won't solve your problems

Coffee addicts have been saying it for years – now an experiment on mice has found that caffeine does indeed help one stay cool in stressful situations – and has pinpointed the neurochemical pathways involved in the process. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Videogamers no better at talking while driving

No matter how much time you've spent training your brain to multitask by playing "Call of Duty," you're probably no better at talking on the phone while driving than anybody else.

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