
New study validates new approach to high blood pressure

It truly could be mind over matter after all. University Hospitals Case Medical Center's Richard Josephson, MD, recently released trial results in a study published in Psychosomatic Medicine that discusses mindfulness-based ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Only 25 minutes of mindfulness meditation alleviates stress

Mindfulness meditation has become an increasingly popular way for people to improve their mental and physical health, yet most research supporting its benefits has focused on lengthy, weeks-long training programs.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Stress reduction program reduces teacher burnout

(HealthDay)—Teachers show improvements in burnout, psychological symptoms, and classroom performance after participating in an eight-week stress reduction intervention modified specifically for their profession, according ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Beyond the beat-em-up: Video games are good for young people

Research and media attention has usually focused on possible negative impacts of video games. But a clear case to support such links is yet to emerge and even people who argue that video games have a negative impact acknowledge ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Process of mindfulness may help children focus in the classroom

(Medical Xpress)—A Kansas State University child/adolescent counselor says a process used to help adults with anxiety disorders may also have a place in the classroom, helping children keep their focus on the subject at ...

Oncology & Cancer

For cancer survivors, diet distresses while exercise inspires

While some cancer survivors feel distressed about diet and body weight, exercise helps them feel they are taking back control of their health, Cornell researchers report in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior ...

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