Medical research

Clever gene construct combats metabolic syndrome

(Medical Xpress)—Researchers under ETH-Zurich professor Martin Fussenegger have created a new genetic network that could cure the various symptoms of so-called metabolic syndrome in one fell swoop. It already works in mice.

Medical research

Enzyme in saliva helps regulate blood glucose

Scientists from the Monell Center report that blood glucose levels following starch ingestion are influenced by genetically-determined differences in salivary amylase, an enzyme that breaks down dietary starches. Specifically, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers use sugar to halt esophageal cancer in its tracks

Scientists working at the Medical Research Council have identified changes in the patterns of sugar molecules that line pre-cancerous cells in the esophagus, a condition called Barrett's dysplasia, making it much easier to ...

Medical research

Revealed: How sticky egg captures sperm

Researchers have uncovered exactly how a human egg captures an incoming sperm to begin the fertilisation process, in a new study published this week in the journal Science.

Medical research

Protein unmasks pathogenic fungi to activate immune response

The first step in defending against a hostile attack is identifying the enemy. It's how a healthy immune system mounts a response to invading pathogens. In the case of certain fungi, however, the attacking cells may be so ...

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