
How neurons talk to each other

Neurons are connected to each other through synapses, sites where signals are transmitted in the form of chemical messengers. Reinhard Jahn, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, has ...


Human brain development is a symphony in three movements

(Medical Xpress)—The human brain develops with an exquisitely timed choreography marked by distinct patterns of gene activity at different stages from the womb to adulthood, Yale researchers report in the Dec. 26 issue ...


Neurons reprogrammed in animals

Building on earlier work in which they disproved neurobiology dogma by "reprogramming" neurons—turning one form of neuron into another—in the brains of living animals, Harvard Stem Cell Institute researchers have now ...


Turning on the switch for plasticity in the human brain

The most powerful substance in the human brain for neuronal communication is glutamate. It is by far the most abundant, and it's implicated in all kinds of operations. Among the most amazing is the slow restructuring of neural ...


Connecting neurons to fix the brain

Each of the brain's 100 billion neurons forms thousands of connections with other neurons. These connections, known as synapses, allow cells to rapidly share information, coordinate their activities, and achieve learning ...

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