Oncology & Cancer

How loss of single gene fuels deadly childhood brain cancer

Atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumors (ATRT) are a rare, fast-growing form of brain cancer that usually strikes children three years and younger, though they can occur in older children and adults. There are multiple treatments, ...

Medical research

Discovery challenges the foundations of gene therapy

A new publication by scientists from Children's Medical Research Institute has challenged one of the foundations of the gene therapy field and will help to improve strategies for treating serious genetic disorders of the ...

Oncology & Cancer

The behavior of therapeutic antibodies in immunotherapy

Since the late 1990s, immunotherapy has been the frontline treatment against lymphomas where synthetic antibodies are used to stop the proliferation of cancerous white blood cells. However, in the more than 20 years since ...

Oncology & Cancer

Gene-controlling mechanisms play key role in cancer progression

As cancer cells evolve, many of their genes become overactive while others are turned down. These genetic changes can help tumors grow out of control and become more aggressive, adapt to changing conditions, and eventually ...

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