Oncology & Cancer

New antibodies for cancer treatment

Out of a library with billions of artificial antibodies, researchers have identified ten that can possibly prevent cancer tumours from growing.


Shark antibodies inspire optimization of human antibodies

Genetically engineered antibodies are deployed successfully in cancer diagnostics and therapy. Therapeutic antibodies against Alzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis are currently under development. An important criterion ...

Oncology & Cancer

Novel target found for chemotherapy-resistant leukemia cells

Researchers at Children's Hospital Los Angeles have discovered that by targeting a particular receptor, chemotherapy-resistant cancer cells can be killed in an acute form of childhood leukemia, offering the potential for ...

Oncology & Cancer

New approach in the treatment of breast cancer

Scientists at the MedUni Vienna, in collaboration with a working group led by Nancy Hynes at the University of Basel, have discovered a new approach in the treatment of breast cancer: an international team involving the Clinical ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

One step closer to vaccine for common respiratory disease

Young children and the elderly are especially susceptible to respiratory syncytial virus. The three-dimensional structure of respiratory syncytial virus has been solved by an international team from Finland and Switzerland.

Oncology & Cancer

Modulating the immune system to combat metastatic cancer

Cancer cells spread and grow by avoiding detection and destruction by the immune system. Stimulation of the immune system can help to eliminate cancer cells; however, there are many factors that cause the immune system to ...

Medical research

Peptides for the treatment of severe diseases

A new class of drugs for the treatment of severe diseases such as cancer and autoimmune diseases is developed by the start-up Bicycle Therapeutics. The company is generating bicyclic peptides that can selectively bind disease-related ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Study shows antibody therapy clears Alzheimer's plaques in mice

Antibodies against amyloid beta (Aβ) protein deposits that are thought to play a role in Alzheimer's disease have shown some success in preventing the buildup of deposits in animals, but they have not been effective at removing ...

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