Oncology & Cancer

Reducing vitamin B5 slows breast cancer growth in mice

A group of researchers led by the Francis Crick Institute, working with the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) and Imperial College London, have discovered that breast cancer cells expressing a cancer-driving gene heavily ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Unravelling the biology of parkinsonism

Scientists have taken another step towards understanding the causes of parkinsonism by identifying what's happening at a cellular level to potentially help develop future treatments.

Medical research

Tumor blood vessel protein provides potential therapeutic target

Tumor blood vessels supply oxygen and nutrients to cancer cells and provide access to other organs. While tumor vasculature shares many features with normal vessels, their unique characteristics are potential therapeutic ...


Cocaine addiction: Phase-specific biology and treatment?

Current pharmacotherapies for addiction follow the dictum "one size fits all". Medications are prescribed in the same way for all patients, regardless of whether they have just started experimenting with a drug or have an ...

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