
Italian teen gets titanium pelvis in world first

An Italian teenager suffering from bone cancer has had half his pelvis replaced by a titanium transplant in what medics at Turin's university hospital centre said Wednesday was a world first.


New materials for better, stronger and cheaper dental implants

Experts have developed next-generation dental implants from mixtures of polymers with ceramic and a light consistency. So far, the experts at University of Baja California have optimized the performance of those dental tools ...

Medical research

New technology may boost bone growth response for spinal fusion

(Medical Xpress)—A spinal interbody fusion implant with a roughened titanium alloy surface provides an enhanced environment for bone formation, implant stability and fusion compared to one with a smooth titanium alloy surface, ...


Implanted 'bracelet' helps treat chronic heartburn (Update 2)

A tiny magnetic bracelet implanted at the base of the throat is greatly improving life for some people with chronic heartburn who get limited relief from medicines. It's a novel way to treat severe acid reflux, which plagues ...


Fixing a sticky situation

For decades, overtightening has been blamed for the phenomenon that sometimes causes surgical screws and plates used in bone repair to irreversibly fuse together, a complication that can make subsequent removal difficult ...


Glaucoma stent approved

(HealthDay) -- An ocular stent that's designed to reduce inner-eye pressure among people with mild or moderate open-angle glaucoma has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

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