
Scientists identify gene as master regulator in schizophrenia

Using computational tools to investigate gene transcription networks in large collections of brain tissues, a scientific team has identified a gene that acts as a master regulator of schizophrenia during early human brain ...

Oncology & Cancer

13 special genes linked to epigenetic changes in cancer samples

Reducing the burden of cancer in individuals and society is a major area of concern globally. In Norway, by the end of 2020, 35,515 people were newly diagnosed with cancer and more than 300,000 people were already living ...

Medical research

Ganglion cells created in mice in bid to fix diseased eyes

While fish, reptiles and even some birds can regenerate damaged brain, eye and spinal cord cells, mammals cannot. For the first time, non-neuronal cells have been induced to mimic specific ganglion cells in the eyes of mice.

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